Featured projects that are underway and in construction.
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Berkeley Haas Entrepreneurship Hub
An existing UC Berkeley building at 2232 Piedmont Avenue will become a dedicated physical space for entrepreneurship. The building exterior will be restored, including accessibility improvements. Interior rooms will be thoughtfully refurbished as gathering spaces, conference rooms, lounges, and offices.

Business Library Renovation
This project is transforming the third-floor Business Library at the Haas School of Business into a modern, dynamic space that meets the needs of today's students.

Centennial Bridge
The existing bridge was constructed in 1965 and is along a hillside historically known to have landslides. A State-funded replacement bridge will be constructed in parallel to the existing one. Once constructed, the existing bridge will be demolished.

Creekside Center
The existing Dwinelle Annex will be renovated to create Creekside Center, a new home for the Disabled Students' Program. The project also includes seismic and life-safety improvements to the building.

Engineering Center
Renewing the existing Bechtel Engineering Center that overlooks Memorial Glade, the new building will add 35,500 square feet across two new floors. The building will be funded entirely by philanthropy.

The Gateway
The new home of the College of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS) will be a collaborative space where faculty, students, researchers, and staff work together to create accessible and equitable educational opportunities and catalyze groundbreaking research to meet society’s greatest challenges.

Heathcock Hall
Heathcock Hall is a new academic building that will provide laboratory, office, and meeting spaces for researchers, faculty, and students affiliated with UC Berkeley's College of Chemistry.

Moffitt Library, Floors 1-3 Renovation
Moffitt Library will temporarily close for a renovation of the lower three floors, which will include the Carol T. Christ Center for Connected Learning.

People's Park Housing
More than 60% of the site will be revitalized green space that includes a memorialization of the park’s past and historical significance. The project will build below-market apartments for more than 1,100 undergraduates and, in a separate building, 125 apartments of permanent supportive housing.

Switch Station #8
The Old Art Gallery building will be restored and structurally improved to house a new switch station. In doing so, the small brick building that began its storied life as a powerhouse more than 100 years ago will become a key component in UC Berkeley's clean energy future.

Undergraduate Academic Building
This building will create a new hub for undergraduate instruction in the center of the UC Berkeley campus. It will serve as a centralized home for Letters & Science Advising and house more than 10 percent of the general assignment classrooms on the campus.

University Hall Demolition
One of the largest campus buildings in need of seismic improvement, replacement is more practical than a retrofit. Replacing University Hall will be the new Berkeley Innovation Zone, a public-facing hub for life sciences, materials science, and climate research.