Campus Planning Documents

Several documents and university policies guide the planning and development of the UC Berkeley campus.

The plans and policies inform each other and are designed to be used in tandem. UC Berkeley's primary planning documents include the Long Range Development Plan (LRDP), Campus Master Plan, and Physical Design Framework.

UC Berkeley Long Range Development Plan

The Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) is one of our most important tools for responsible long-term campus planning and for being a good community partner. UC Berkeley carefully plans for and considers its facility requirements relative to its budget and needs. At its core, the LRDP is a land-use plan that proposes how to best utilize areas of the campus and considers the associated facilities and infrastructure needed to support those uses.

2021 Long Range Development Plan

The 2021 LRDP is a forecast for responsible, flexible, and sustainable development. The 2021 LRDP is not a mandate for growth. Over the next 15 years, the campus expects the undergraduate student population to grow by an annual average of only 1%, or less, a rate that is less than projected for the population of the surrounding region. A UC campus's LRDP does not approve or require specific new buildings or projects. Rather, UC Berkeley's 2021 LRDP is a strategy for where development would take place if it is eventually funded. As future projects are developed within the LRDP framework, they would have the appropriate environmental analysis and go through all required approval processes before any construction begins.

UC Berkeley has historically had more stringent sustainability goals than neighboring cities and the 2021 LRDP pushes the campus to be even greener. The plan integrates sustainability policies with long-term campus planning to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions, limit energy and water use, reduce waste, and promote alternative transportation. In addition to reaffirming our commitment to addressing the student housing crisis and acknowledging the increasing effects of climate change, the 2021 LRDP also recognizes a need to increase investment in research and instructional space to modernize facilities for new pedagogies, technologies, and seismic safety.

UC Berkeley's 2021 LRDP is about maximizing the use of increasingly constrained land and financial resources, and optimizing investment in service of our mission and strategic priorities.

The 2021 LRDP embodies thousands of hours of participation by faculty, students, staff, and the community, including a special LRDP Community Advisory Group with representatives appointed by the Berkeley mayor and city councilmembers, and members of the local business community. The updated LRDP was shared with the campus and the community in February 2021. The 2021 LRDP, the Final Environmental Impact Report, and the updated Physical Design Framework were approved by the UC Board of Regents on July 22, 2021.

Download: 2021 Long Range Development Plan (PDF)

2021 LRDP Environmental Impact Report

UC campuses are required to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for their Long Range Development Plans.

The UC Board of Regents approved the 2021 LRDP and certified the EIR on July 22, 2021. Please see our Environmental Review page for Addendums to the EIR following its certification in July 2021.

Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR):

Entire document:

Document sections:


Campus Master Plan

The Campus Master Plan establishes a renewed long-term vision for the physical development of the Berkeley campus. The 2022 Campus Master Plan is a collection of proposals for big ideas and individual projects, all in support of UC Berkeley's recently updated strategic goals around: academic life; housing and campus life; landscape and open space; athletics and recreation; mobility and accessibility; seismic needs; historic resources; signage and wayfinding; sustainability and resilience; fire mitigation; and infrastructure.

The 2022 Campus Master Plan is not a blueprint or a guarantee, rather, it is a collection of recommendations to achieve our strategic goals and priorities. The plan functions as a guide to help shape future capital project proposals and assist decision-makers in the review process. As projects are funded and realized in the coming years, they will continue to be evaluated through the campus's comprehensive approval process.

Download: 2022 Campus Master Plan - Executive Summary (PDF)

Download: 2022 Campus Master Plan (PDF)

Physical Design Framework

The Physical Design Framework sets forth a vision for the physical development of the UC Berkeley campus in Berkeley and Oakland, supporting its academic and educational mission. The Physical Design Framework describes the approach to physical planning and development for the campus, including design strategies to guide capital projects.

Download: Physical Design Framework (PDF)

Additional Planning Documents

Resilient Water Plan

UC Berkeley recognizes water as an increasingly scarce natural resource in California, driven largely by population growth and drought. In past years, the State of California and East Bay Municipal Utility District have declared droughts and implemented drought management plans that seek to reduce regional water use. Elevating the campus's management of its water resources is also important given the energy associated with the transportation, treatment, and use of water, as well as the interrelationship with stormwater management and the campus's landscapes and natural systems.

The Resilient Water Plan was developed in parallel to the Campus Master Plan and Long Range Development Plan to provide a more comprehensive approach to water sustainability and resilience, given the university's sustainability goals and the accelerating impacts of climate change.

Download: Resilient Water Plan (PDF)

Site Furnishing Standards

Guide the selection of site furnishing for UC Berkeley capital projects. Site furnishings should be consistent enough to provide a unified aesthetic and simplify procurement and maintenance while being adaptable enough to work within a wide variety of campus contexts. All site furnishings, including campus standard furnishings, must be approved by the Campus Architect.

Download: Site Furnishing Standards (PDF)

Download: Site Furnishing Request Form (PDF)

Exterior Signage Guidelines

Define standards for all exterior signage design for UC Berkeley properties. These guidelines create a welcoming experience, improve wayfinding, and support consistent visual messaging throughout the campus. All exterior signage is subject to review and approval by the Campus Architect or their designee.

Download: Exterior Signage Guidelines (PDF)

Download: Exterior Signage Request Form (PDF)

Other Current Planning Documents

UC Berkeley Campus:

Richmond Field Station (formerly Richmond Bay Campus):

Albany Village: