Bancroft Parking Structure Replacement


Project Phase:

Anticipated Start of Construction:
May 2025


Project Location:
UC Berkeley Campus Park (map)

Project Inquiries:
(510) 495-5786

Visit our Environmental Review page to access applicable California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) notices and documents for UC Berkeley capital projects.

Construction Updates

The existing Bancroft Structure will close on May 27, 2025, for the construction of the replacement Bancroft Structure. Please see the UC Berkeley Parking & Transportation website for information about alternative parking areas. For questions, please email:

Project Background

UC Berkeley has announced plans to replace its existing Bancroft parking structure as part of a broader effort to compensate for parking spaces lost to new construction. Although the project will not increase campus parking capacity, it will help maintain existing capacity and provide much-needed upgrades to an aging structure that has long provided convenient parking options for faculty, staff, and visitors on the central campus.

As part of its 2021 Long Range Development Plan (LRDP), UC Berkeley conducted a thorough analysis of thirteen sites to determine the most feasible location for a new parking structure. The study took into account a range of factors, including neighborhood compatibility, impact on campus design, location relative to demand, ease of access, and design efficiency. Ultimately, replacing the Bancroft parking structure was deemed the most feasible option.

The existing structure is located on the southern edge of the Campus Park on Bancroft Way between College Avenue and Bowditch Street, covering approximately 0.9 acres. The project site also includes a circulation corridor to the east (between the parking structure and the Anthropology and Art Practice Building), a fire lane just north of the building, and a fire lane and walkway east of the Hearst Gymnasium.

The campus anticipates that the renovated structure could provide approximately 600 spaces with a minimum of 30 spaces ready for electric vehicle charging and another 90 spaces prepared for future installation of EV chargers. While this project will not increase campus parking capacity, it will partially replace parking spaces lost as a result of redeveloping several small surface parking lots for new academic buildings and student housing in and around the central campus.

Construction of the replacement of the Bancroft parking structure is anticipated to begin in May 2025, with an anticipated timeline for completion in August 2026.