Environmental Review

In order to assess the need for environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), major construction projects at UC Berkeley must undergo evaluation by Capital Strategies, specifically our Physical and Environmental Planning team.

The requirement for an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which includes public review, depends on the anticipated impact level of certain projects. However, for the majority of projects, CEQA does not mandate a full EIR. Instead, a more limited environmental impact analysis is performed, which may or may not involve public review.

Projects currently under environmental review:

(see below for applicable CEQA documents, and notices of preparation and availability, for projects under review)

Upcoming CEQA public meetings and hearings:

  • None at this time.

Copies of presentations from public meetings and hearings for projects currently under environmental review:

  • None at this time.

UC Berkeley CEQA Documents

UC Berkeley Campus:

Clark Kerr Campus:

Hill Campus:

City Environs:

Richmond Field Station - formerly Richmond Bay Campus (RBC):

Albany Village:
