Upper Hearst


Project Phase:
Planning & Design

Anticipated Start of Construction:
To be determined


Executive Design Professional:
Solomon Cordwell Buenz (SCB)

Development Partner:
American Campus Communities

To be determined

Project Location:
Adjacent Blocks North (map)

Project Inquiries:
(510) 495-5786

Visit our Environmental Review page to access applicable California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) notices and documents for UC Berkeley capital projects.

At the Upper Hearst Parking Structure on the northeast edge of campus, UC Berkeley is planning for a project that will create vital new academic and study spaces for the Goldman School of Public Policy, maintain as much parking as possible, and incorporate much needed faculty, staff, postdoc and/or graduate student housing, through a public/private partnership.

Community input is a critical component of UC Berkeley’s process for developing new projects. On March 20, 2018, we hosted a community open house to learn about the proposed project. Following a presentation of possible design renderings, attendees engaged in an open conversation with campus representatives and project architects and discussed three topic areas: parking, academic spaces, and the housing component.

While not required, it is UC Berkeley’s practice to take the necessary time to share proposed university projects located off campus with appropriate city commissions. Following the March 2018 public open house, on June 21, the City of Berkeley Design Review Committee discussed the project, and on July 5, the City of Berkeley Landmarks Preservation Committee discussed the project.

In February 2019, UC Berkeley prepared a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the project and released it for a 49-day public review period. In March 2019, the project was presented to the UC Regents for discussion.

As of May 2, 2019, all oral and written comments that were received during the public review period have been compiled and responded to in the Final Supplemental EIR, which is available on the public notices page of the Capital Strategies website. The UC Regents will consider certification of the Final Supplemental EIR and approval of the Upper Hearst Development project design at their meeting on May 15, 2019.

Additional Information