Bancroft-Fulton Student Housing


Project Phase:

Anticipated Start of Construction:
January 2026


Executive Design Professional:

Project Location:
UC Berkeley Campus Park (map)

Project Inquiries:
(510) 495-5786

Visit our Environmental Review page to access applicable California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) notices and documents for UC Berkeley capital projects.

Construction Updates

The Bancroft/Fulton West Parking Lot will by the beginning of spring semester 2025 in preparation for the construction of the Bancroft Fulton Student Housing project. Please see the UC Berkeley Parking & Transportation website for information about alternative parking areas. For questions, please email:

Project Background

The Bancroft-Fulton Student Housing project is designed to address UC Berkeley's critical need for student housing. Located on a 0.8-acre campus-owned site, the project will include a 23-story high-rise with primary frontage on Bancroft Way and a 10-story southern extension facing Durant Avenue. The building will provide 1,625 new residence hall-style beds for first-year undergraduate students in a mix of triples, doubles, and singles, as well as five apartments for faculty and staff. The housing complex will feature a 500-seat dining commons on the first two levels, with additional outdoor seating on a terrace. Other amenities include a fitness center, laundry facilities, meeting spaces, and a large elevated terrace for gathering, all located on the third floor. Each residential floor will also include multiple study lounges, offering quiet spaces for academic work and collaboration.

Designed to achieve LEED Gold certification, the Bancroft-Fulton Student Housing project incorporates advanced sustainability measures to minimize its environmental footprint. The building will also offer summer conference accommodations, with a variety of meeting and conferencing spaces available. The project was approved by the UC Board of Regents in March 2025, and is targeting a construction start date of January 2026. Completion is anticipated in summer 2028, in time for the start of the 2028-29 academic year.

The project site is currently occupied with a small office building with below-ground parking and an adjacent surface parking lot. These features will be demolished when construction begins. The parking lot will remain open until the start of construction. UC Berkeley Parking & Transportation will relocate affected permit holders to alternative nearby parking locations. Additionally, planning work is underway for a new parking structure on Bancroft Way that will replace parking spaces lost for this project.