Campus Construction Resumes with New Safety Protocols

May 6, 2020

The UC Berkeley campus is proactively engaging in planning around the COVID-19 outbreak in collaboration with our public health partners and the UC Office of the President. The campus is operating in accordance with all public health directives and applicable orders regarding the public health emergency.

On April 29, the Bay Area’s shelter-in-place order was extended through May 31 and eased some prior restrictions, including construction. Under the revised order construction is deemed an essential service and projects are allowed to start/restart provided they follow strict protocols.

Capital Strategies’ project management teams are considered essential workers as they support campus construction and will be working on campus as required to support starting/restarting construction projects. Meanwhile, Capital Strategies’ two office locations will remain closed to the public and non-essential staff under the revised shelter-in-place order.

Contractors may report to work at project sites and be in full compliance with the revised order. Just like other health and safety requirements, the contractor maintains the obligation for implementation and enforcement of the new protocols for site safety and social distancing. Enforcement of the protocols will be closely monitored by Capital Strategies and Environmental Health & Safety.

UC Berkeley schools and departments already working with Capital Strategies with questions about their project's status, please reach out to your project manager.

For general inquiries, please contact